Incrypted conference 2023
Boost WEB3 in Ukraine
Conference Agenda
- 12:00-12:30Volodymyr NosovWhiteBITHow crypto can restore Ukraine's economy
- 12:30-13:00Alex ShevchenkoAuroraAurora Cloud - blockchain for business
- 13:00-13:30Darren WooBitkeepOnboarding the next 1 billion on to Web3
- 13:30-14:00Max UperIntropiaReputation, Value, and AI: Blueprint for the Next Bull Cycle
- 14:00-14:30Dmytro KurikshaUACatsDivisionSinking Enemy Warships with the Power of NFTs by UACatsDivision
- 14:30-15:00Andriy VelykyyAllbridgeHow can we make the bridging experience more accessible to new Web3 users? The old generation vs. the new generation of cross-chain bridges.
- 15:00-15:30Dmytro BudorinHackenWeb3 Mortal Kombat
- 15:30-16:00Anton Bukov1inchMastering a Limit Order Protocol
- 16:00-16:30Stefan GeorgeGnosis ChainHow to onboard the next wave of users to Web3 with Account Abstraction
- 16:30-17:00Ahmed GhappourNymPrivacy, Crypto(graphy) and Decentralization in a time of War
- 17:00-17:15Kristina LucreziaCointelegraphThe Importance of Media in the Crypto Industry
- 17:15-17:45Nikhil RaghuveeraCeloBuilding a Regenerative Economy with Blockchain Technology
- 17:45-18:15Marta BelcherFilecoinHow decentralized tools are helping protect human rights and preserve humanity's most important information, in Ukraine and beyond
- 18:15-18:45Eowyn ChenTrust WalletBreaking Barriers: simplifying Web3 for mass adoption through accessibility and usability
- 18:45-19:15David SchwedHalbornSecurity vs Convenience: Walking the Fine Line
- 19:15-19:45Serg MetelinHederaOvercoming the obstacles to mass adoption of public ledgers
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- Speakers' presentations
- VC funds panel
- Regulatory panel with the Ministry of Digital Transformation
- Startup case studies and pitches
- Business networking
- Afterparty
- 9:00-11:00Registration
- 11:00-12:00Oleg Bevz, Svitlana Dyachenko, Roman PalamarchukHackenTruth, Lies and Web3 Marketing - Oleg BevzWeb3 Security: how it works - Svitlana DyachenkoSmart Contract Audits 101 - Roman Palamarchuk
- 12:00-12:30Dmytro DimenkoDeXe NetworkHow to DAO?
- 12:30-13:00Vadym HrushaTrustee WalletThe power of cryptocurrency in the Trustee ecosystem
- 13:00-13:30Coffee break
- 13:30-14:30Yulia Parkhomenko, Arsen Makarchuk, Yevhen Pronin, Peter Bilyk, Yurii Boiko; moderator - Kirill BondarLegalisation of digital assets in Ukraine
- 14:30-15:00Oleksii SorokinEverstakeProof-of-Stake: The future of decentralisation and blockchain resilience
- 15:00-15:30Andrew FurmanClarniumWEB3 Gaming: skam or scarb?
- 15:30-16:00Coffee break
- 16:00-16:30MisterHAPIHow not to be "dushnila" in crypro?
- 16:30-17:15Influncers` Q&A (Anton Dziuba, Kostya Kudo, Kirill Evans, Ivan Pavlovskyy)
- 17:15-17:40Anna ShakolaCointelegraph AcceleratorPower of Accelerators for Startup Success in the Web3
- 17:40-18:00Diezel
- 18:00-18:30Diezel jam (outside)
- 18:00-18:15Rostyslav ShvetsStroomFundraising during the war
- 18:15-18:45Results of pitch session
- 18:45Afterparty
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About us
Incrypted is the #1 crypto media in Ukraine
Since 2017, we have been building a community with the aim of learning the blockchain technologies and digital assets.
Our metrics
- 5+
years in the media market
- 15k
posts on Telegram
- 104k+
subscribers on Telegram
- 120k+
subscribers on YouTube
- 700+
videos on YouTube
- 500k+
unique visitors on website
- 15
community events and activities held
- $20k
of rewards for community distributed
- Online day 1
- offline day 2
Offline Conference
June 11
10-22:00, UNIT.City, Kyiv
- Offline speakers and panel discussion
- VC Funds and Startups pitch section
- Cocktail after-party
- Access to the Day 1 Online Conference
Ticket price: Sold out
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